Take a moment at the end of each week to feel refreshed and rejuvenated with this collection of traditional and creative Shabbat rituals, blessings, and activities.
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The High Holidays, or High Holy Days, refers to an important period of Jewish holidays that arrive each fall to honor renewal, freedom, and forgiveness. The most popular holidays that occur during this period are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, but there are other holidays within this time period as well.
Shabbat, also known as Shabbos and the Sabbath, is a Jewish weekly day of rest that begins every Friday night at sundown and ends every Saturday night when three stars appear in the sky. Traditionally it’s celebrated by taking a break from anything that is considered work–both physically and emotionally. Shabbat begins with a candle-lighting ceremony which is often followed by a service and a special meal. It ends with the Havdalah ceremony that is typically done at home.
How you choose to observe Shabbat is a personal choice. Shabbat is a time to step away from the work that happens during the week, and give yourself a physical and mental break. For some, this means taking a break from cell phones or staying off social media. For others this means not starting fires–emotionally (as in an argument) or physically (as in a car engine or oven). It’s also common to have a sit-down meal with your family, friends, or housemates to mark the official end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. However you choose to observe Shabbat, we hope you find it to be restful and rejuvenating.
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